Monday, March 20, 2017

Mark Your Calendars for Parent Ed Event

Great River School & ParenTeen Transitions present 

Parents Are Sexuality Educators 

Join the GRS parent group ParenTeen Transitions for a presentation from Family Tree Clinic community educator, Tatum Bishop

Thursday, April 13th 7:00-8:30 pm at Great River School

Using the PACE model and through individual reflection and large group discussion, parents will:

  • Identify the values and messages they would like to share with their children
  • Learn typical stages of sexual development for children and adolescents
  • Discuss effective communication skills to aid them in talking with their children about various sexuality topics
From the Family Tree Clinic website:
Family Tree Clinic is located in St. Paul and has been around for 45 years.  They specialize in reproductive health, LGBTQ health and mental health among other areas.  Family Tree Clinic provides services that are affordable, accessible and confidential.

Questions can be directed to ParenTeen Transitions coordinator and GRS parent, Andrea Erickson at