Monday, March 20, 2017

GRS Bike Shop is Open for Business!

The GRS "Ridey Tighty" bike shop is open for spring business! All bikes accepted - get yours tuned up for a season of riding! Our bike shop has been operating for over 10 years, and repairs roughly 100 bikes every year - students are trained and do quality work. 

A1 students must have their bike tuned up this spring, and our shop does it at a relatively cheaper price to assure that all students have a safe ride. See below for discount availability!

Questions? Contact Abram Shapiro: Happy Spring! 

Early Bird Special! Take 10% off the cost of a tune-up if you schedule your tune-up to occur during the first week available to your student! See the scheduling link for scheduling details.

We offer two kinds of tune-ups: Basic ($45) and Full ($65). A basic tune-up includes: inspecting all components for damage and wear, minor wheel truing, cable adjustment (brakes and shifting set), minor cleaning, light drive-train clean and lube (cassette, chain, front and rear derailleur), check headset, stem, bottom bracket and adjust as needed, and inflating tires to proper pressure. A Full tune-up includes everything in a Basic tune-up plus a detailed removal, cleaning, lubrication, and reinstallation of your bicycle's entire drive-train.

The GRS Bike Shop always appreciates donations of good quality bicycles. We use these for students to practice mechanical skills and as spare bikes for the A1 Bike Trip. If you have a bike that you would like to donate, or a bike that you'd be willing to lend to an A1 student who would like to borrow a bike for the trip, please contact Abram Shapiro to discuss.