Monday, November 13, 2017

Give to the Max Day Thursday!

Hello GRS Families! 

Thursday is Give to the Max Day and GRS needs your support! 

Our community is a huge part of our success as a public charter and we cannot thank our families enough for all you do to support our students,
classrooms, snack-time, extracurriculars and more!
We ask all families to support our mission by becoming a sustaining member of our Annual Fund.
$30/month per student provides critical funding for:
  • Operating expenses associated with our commitment to fostering an environment of civility and trust
  • Field trips and key experiences
  • Montessori materials
  • Arts and special education

Please join fellow parents in supporting our unique school with a sustaining membership of any level or one-time donation! GIVE NOW

Help us reach our goal! 500 families can be Builders by donating $500 or $42/month and will receive a personalized paver on the facility grounds! Together, we can create a learning environment that supports current and future generations of Great River students! GIVE NOW
Thank you for your support of our community!
-Great River School