Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Donate books for the Upper El book sale!!

Montessori Model United Nations Book Sale
This February, Great River School will be sending a delegation of sixteen upper elementary students to New York City for the Montessori Model United Nations conference.  Our students will be representing the countries of Australia and Cameroon.

These students are responsible for fully funding their trip to New York City!  As a result, a community-wide book sale will be held on Saturday, December 2nd from 9am until 2pm in the hallways of the elementary building. The sale will be open to the general public.

We are in need of used books for this sale!  We will accept books for both children and adults, beginning Monday, November 6th until Friday, December 1st.  Collection boxes will be available inside the front entrances of both buildings.

Thank you in advance, for supporting this amazing experience! To learn more about the mission of the Montessori Model United Nations conference, please click on this link
Questions can be directed to jennifer.nelson@greatriverschool.org