We are conducting a fundraiser for the ultimate program this fall and need your help and participation. The fundraiser is organized with Impact Fundraising. We will be selling small coupons books that are unlimited for a year door-to-door in the surrounding neighborhoods. With these raised funds, we will be able to travel to out-of-state tournaments, purchase white jerseys at a low cost, and more! We will not be able to travel out-of-state without this.
The fundraiser will be conducted Sunday October 15th and Saturday October 28th from 12-6pm both days. There will be about about 5 hours of selling with time for getting organized at the beginning and time for awarding prizes at the end. We need players to make the sales and parents to transport the sales teams.
If we have close to full program participation in this fundraiser, we have the chance raise at least $7,000. With a total program budget of $16,500. This would be a large windfall for the program. I hope you will be able to participate.
There will be two short introduction sessions on Monday October 9th, the Monday before the fist 'Blitz'. The first session will be at 3:20pm, the second at 6:10pm. This will be the opportunity to learn what the fundraiser operation will look like as well as get a few coupons books to sell/use for yourself. Location information will be released when the date becomes closer. It will be at GRS.
Please join if you are able. The more that participate, the better we will do. Please attend the info session and at least one of the Blitz dates (10/15 or 10/28). There will be incentive prizes for those that participate at both and for those that sell the most at each.
Please indicate through this form what you will be able to attend: https://goo.gl/forms/
Please contact Galen at ultimate@greatriverschool.org with questions.