Greetings Great River Families, Faculty and Community!
The election cycle is upon us! It is time once again for the election for the Great River School Board - the fine folks that manage and direct the strategy of Great River School. The Board is comprised of parents, faculty and members of the community who serve on a volunteer basis.
This is an opportunity for each of us as community members to be participate in the direction of the school. Board applications, timeline for the election process, and more will be posted on the Great River School announcements blog by Tuesday, February 16.
Board elections will be held the week of spring conferences, March 17 - 18.
For the 2016-2017 board, two faculty, one parent, and one community member seats are up for election. It is also possible to volunteer for the Board Operations Committee, the Resources Committee, or the Student Experience Committee. If you are at all interested in running for a seat on the board or joining a board committee, contact Jennifer Fisher, Board chair, today!