Friday, May 1, 2015
Jay Peterson Memorial Planned at GRS for 10am-12noon June 6th
Dear family and friends of Jay Peterson,
We, a small group of 9th and 10th grade students from GRS, are planning a memorial service for Jay that will take place at our school. The main focus of the memorial will be a tree planting ceremony.
There will also be a speaking portion where people can share stories, poems, or songs involving Jay. If you are interested in speaking, please let us know so we can plan for time.
The memorial is planned to take place from 10am-12noon on Saturday, June 6th at Great River on the north courtyard. (1326 Energy Park Drive. St. Paul, 55108)
Everyone is welcome!
If you plan on coming, please RSVP by sending an email titled "RSVP" to
Thank you!
p.s. if you have landscape expertise and would like to help us plan (Landscapers, gardeners, landscape architects welcome) please contact us. See our volunteer post here