Monday, April 20, 2015

Spring Festival ~ May 2nd 4-7pm ~ Tickets on sale now!

On May 2, 2015, our annual Spring Festival with a pasta dinner for all and a brilliant student music presentation of Music of Minnesota. From Bob Dylan to Funkytown to current MN music makers, this performance will astound you. We will also have an elementary carnival with games, a bouncy house, and fun galore.  This is a spring community building and support-the-school event that benefits key experiences and outings for all grade levels. 

Dinner tickets: $5
Show tickets: $10
Combo show and dinner for one family: $40 (what a deal!) 

There are two opportunities to eat dinner and two to see the music show:
Early dinner: 4:15pm
Late Show: 6pm

Early show: 4pm
Late dinner: 5:15pm

Ticket orders are available here: 

Dinner and show tickets are available online until April 30th. Tickets sell out fast -  buy yours now! 

Volunteers for Spring Festival

Dinner and the show are such a fun event - and we need volunteers to help this go smoothly!

The shifts are staggered to allow you to volunteer and still enjoy the event with your family - and volunteering is the best way to connect to the community!