Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Host a Rotary Exchange Student for the 2015-16 academic year!

The St Paul Rotary club is looking for host families for inbound exchange students during the 2015-16 school year. We would like to find two to three host families for each student, so students can experience multiple points of view and experiences during their year in St Paul. The Rotary club provides a monthly stipend for the student, pays for school lunches and all students have medical insurance for care in the United States if needed. The students will also have a Rotary counselor assigned to them to guide them with any questions or concerns while in the United States.

Most families find the experience to be very rewarding and it opens them to new opportunities to travel to places never thought about previously because they have had a Rotary exchange student in their home. They also learn more about their own culture because they have had to explain why we do something and have never had to reflect on our own culture previously.

Families can apply by going to the following web site: northstaryouthexchange.com and click on the host family tab to start the application process. We will need a couple of email references, pictures of your home and a background check to be conducted. Students will be arriving in mid to late August for the upcoming school year.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Linda Mulhern via email at lmulhern@collinsmn.com  or call at 651-255-0134 w or 651-698-4488 h.